You Have It, Then You Don’t

I woke up this morning and powered through my strength training collecting my thoughts and wondering which one to jump on and write up. After opening Yahoo News to sadly find that Heath Ledger had passed away yesterday; thoughts came rushing in about my own departure. What will it be like?

My doctor sat me down in December and said to me, “Andrew, you’ll be lucky if you see 40, if you don’t change your lifestyle and get fit.” That was a knock in the teeth. Now not a knock for me but for my wife and son. I am not afraid to die, I know where I am going when I die. (I’m a Christian, with strong faith that I’ll go to heaven when I die.)

I look at death not as the end but as separation; the spirit leaving the body. So in my mind death is not the end just a new phase in life.

The thing that worries me about dying is support for my family. I am currently the only bread winner in my family and if I pop my clogs then who’ll look after them.

Death is a mysterious thing and we don’t know when it will come, just make sure that your not sitting on the toilet when I does come. I believe that when I do get fit that will help add to my days, but that unseen high speeding bus will not add anything! 😛

Well I will pray for all you bloggers out there today that you are kept safe and we also pray for Heath’s family at this difficult time.