Muscle Spasms & High Blood Pressure

After a shower this morning and my chest pain was really digging in, I decided not to go to school and go straight to the accident and emergency.

After the doctor shocked me with his cold stethoscope to listen to my ticker and also took my blood pressure.  After consulting with another doctor he said that it may just be a muscle spasm that I am feeling.

My blood pressure was kind of high though; 145/93.  A healthy blood pressure for some one my age should be 120/80.

I brought along my workout folder with me to show him what I have been doing and he said that I need to calm down a bit and not go so hard so fast.  He was concerned that my new workout was too much for me with my blood pressure the way it is and suggested that I go back to a less intensive workout until I can get my blood pressure back to normal.

Then words that came out of his mouth that I didn’t want to hear……“What cardiovascular workout are you doing”


“None” I replied, and he suggested that I throw in some running or cycling into my program to help me get my blood pressure down.

I am currently trying to sell my exercise bike so I can buy a mountain bike but I have had no luck yet.  The exercise bike is a killer, the saddle is like a razor blade and the handlebars are vertical not horizontal, and they are awkwardly positioned to hurt my lower back (which I can’t afford to injure).  Let’s hope I can sell the execution bike soon.

I was thinking of doing Tae Bo, I saw a few workouts on  I’ll have to dig around and find some cardio workout for about 20 minutes that I can do on alternate days from my strength training workouts; until I can get a bike that is.

If anyone has some good ideas for a cardio workout that I can do at home, or maybe you want to donate $100 to my DoR bike fund ::joking!:: ha ha! 😉

But thank God that today’s news wasn’t that bad and my muscle spasm will go away eventually.  I will be changing a few things round on my workout for Wednesday (just until my BP goes down) and I will post it tomorrow.

Workout Abandoned!

I started my new workout this morning and halfway through the second circuit I started having stabbing chest pains.  I abandoned the workout immediately and sat for a while to rest.  The pain was in my right chest.

I am going to have my blood pressure checked by the school nurse today and then go to see the doctor tonight.

I really wanted to continue and finish the three circuits but this is not a good sign, and not worth any risks.  I will let you know how my visit with the doctor goes later tonight.

You Have It, Then You Don’t

I woke up this morning and powered through my strength training collecting my thoughts and wondering which one to jump on and write up. After opening Yahoo News to sadly find that Heath Ledger had passed away yesterday; thoughts came rushing in about my own departure. What will it be like?

My doctor sat me down in December and said to me, “Andrew, you’ll be lucky if you see 40, if you don’t change your lifestyle and get fit.” That was a knock in the teeth. Now not a knock for me but for my wife and son. I am not afraid to die, I know where I am going when I die. (I’m a Christian, with strong faith that I’ll go to heaven when I die.)

I look at death not as the end but as separation; the spirit leaving the body. So in my mind death is not the end just a new phase in life.

The thing that worries me about dying is support for my family. I am currently the only bread winner in my family and if I pop my clogs then who’ll look after them.

Death is a mysterious thing and we don’t know when it will come, just make sure that your not sitting on the toilet when I does come. I believe that when I do get fit that will help add to my days, but that unseen high speeding bus will not add anything! 😛

Well I will pray for all you bloggers out there today that you are kept safe and we also pray for Heath’s family at this difficult time.

A Bit Out of Whack!

So today I stopped taking the Hydroxycut Hardcore but my heart is still racing.  I woke up at 4am to do my cardio and some school work but I still had that chest pain and it felt like my heart was missing some beats or out of rhythm.  I took it easy and finished some lesson planning.

I took my son to the doctor today for a check-up (I thought, I’m the one in need of a doctor).

We (Susan and I) have a really good doctor for Daniel (my son) despite being here in Indonesia.  As for my and my chest pains, there is no way I’m going to see a doctor here. They’ll say “Here comes the bule (foreigner), lets add pajak bule (foreigner’s tax).”  Then I’ll go home with about 10 different kinds of medication and only about 2 of them will work.

I  am thinking once I have been off the Hydroxycut for a few days then I’ll be back to normal, I hope.

I went for a 2 hour sleep,  enjoying my day with my son while Susan is off to get her driver’s license.

Well I’ll go now, and update my food log later tonight before I sign off. I have a funny story to tell you about a cheese accident.