Friday, Feb 29th – Hunger Strikes; Almost a Catastrophe!

It was 7pm and I was soooooo hungry and was getting my wife to call for a pizza, when they said we’d have to wait an hour I told my wife not to bother.  Eating pizza during the day would kill my progress never mind after 8pm!

I popped open the oatmeal and had a few spoonfuls with some cinnamon powder and I am content and glad the pizza didn’t work out; I would have regretted it!

Breakfast – oatmeal, whey, cinnamon powder/peanut butter & hot low-fat milk

Snack 1 – low-fat yogurt & 1 boiled egg

Lunch – grilled pork salad (peppers, lettuce & cucumber) & a tbsp of mayonnaise & a handful of nuts

Snack 2 – whey shake

Dinner – omelet; 3 eggs, handful of mushrooms, 1 chicken breast & a thin-cut slice of cheese

Snack 3 – oatmeal, cinnamon powder & hot low-fat milk

Drink – 2.5 liters of water, 1 cup of green tea & a low-fat glass of chocolate milk

Top Ten Weight Loss Methods; THAT SUCK!

First lets clear up what most of these weight loss methods have in common; they all use the same lie to sell their diets (which has given the word ‘diet’ a bad name). Their lie is hidden and we are blinded by their use of the words “weight loss”. Their deception and our ignorance go hand-in-hand for this to work.

Most of these weight loss methods actually do help you to lose weight, but that’s not what you want.

What you want is fat loss not weight loss!

Weight loss can occur in many ways; losing muscle, losing body fluid, losing your marbles, etc.

Fat Loss is fat loss

So don’t be fooled by their use of the words ‘weight loss’.

Most of these weight loss methods set us up to fail, they take us into an unnatural way of eating, or speak to the lazy bugger inside of us and say, “No exercise needed!” and we like to hear that.

So let’s look at the top ten weight loss methods for morns;

10. Coming in at number ten is Weight Watchers; which is easy for those of us with a mathematician brain and confusing for the rest of us that can only count to twenty if we are wearing sandals. The amount of people that stay on this and lose the fat are the very disciplined few; the counting calories and daily totaling of the points system can send some of us around the bend and into the nearest Pizza Hut. To poke a hole in their point system you could eat junk food and still have the points add up. Weight Watchers causes you to eat too little and that’s also another reason people find it hard to stick at.

How to avoid it: be dumb at mathematics.

9. Striking in at number nine is the South Beach Diet; this is a shame, because the South Beach diet has all the things a great food program should have; it helps you stay satisfied throughout the day, you build muscle, you have a bit of freedom, but no exercise plan!? Eating right is half right, you need to have regular exercise to kick-start your metabolism to fire up fat burning.

How to avoid it: If you are on this diet then that’s fine (you’re not a moron) but just get your butt off the beach and go swimming!

8. Eating it at number eight is the Zone Diet, ok so it’s based on combining; carbs, proteins & fats. Every time you eat you must have 40% carbs, 30% protein & 30% fats. So cased in the Zone Diet is what dieticians have been saying for centuries, and it’s out of date. Some times putting together this 40-30-30 combo can come up with strange results; you want to enjoy that ice cold beer? Go ahead, but have some cottage cheese and some olives with it (Zinczenko, 2004).

How to avoid it: If you can’t balance your cheque book then stay a way from this diet.

7. Slipping in at number seven is the Scarsdale Diet, frankly a load of crap if you ask me! The Scarsdale diet is a rapid weight loss diet, there’s that word again “weight loss” ::hint, hint, nudge, nudge:: It boasts of being able to help you lose up to 20lbs (about 9kg) in only 2 weeks! Rapid weight loss like this is very dangerous and you’ll get scared (ha ha, boom boom, maybe that’s how it got its name) because when you stop or stray from this diet ten ton Tessie will become King Kong!

How to avoid it: being patient; know that rapid weight loss is dangerous and you’ll end up putting more weight on.

6. Scoring a six in our countdown is the Chicken Soup Diet, now please you are a professional plonker if you attempt this diet; at least I was when I tried it. So what you do is have a hardy breakfast and then go cuckoo slurping on chicken soup for the rest of the day. Look, if you single out one type of food and that’s all you eat then of course you’ll lose weight (theirs those words again, remember what they mean!). Now come on, how long do you think you’ll be able to last eating flipping chicken soup everyday? And when you get bored (and you will) you’ll binge ::muahahahahaha!!:: and the fat will come rolling back (with interest).

How to avoid it: hate the chicken soup, down with the chicken soup, grill that bird mate!

5. Falling flat at number five is the Atkins Diet, which is thankfully disappearing like a bad fashion trend. Atkins gave carbohydrates a bad rap and robbed the people that followed it of vital vitamins from fruit and vegetables (that can protect us against cancer). There are also concerns that long-term dieting with the Atkins Diet could cause heart problems and high cholesterol. But the thing that I have found about the Atkins Diet is that it takes out so many types of food that are very good for you. The selection that you’re left with will eventually bore you, and once off; BOOM!

Carbohydrates; there are good carbs and bad carbs Atkins doesn’t distinguish between the two and just rules out the carbs. On a healthy diet you need the good carbs (found in fruit and vegetables) to help you lose fat.

How to avoid it: don’t follow an old trend.

4. Busting in at number four is the Lemonade Diet, if you like solids then this diet is not for you. If you do decide to follow this diet then please reframe from operating heavy machinery, driving, walking, basically stay out of the public eye because there is a high chance that you will have diarrhea and you will be dizzy and could faint.

How to avoid it: grow a brain

3. Stomping in at number three is the Slim Fast diet, slim F-A-S-T also rapid weight loss. If the weight loss is too fast then chances are your not going to be giving your body proper nutrition and that means weight loss ::pause, tumble weed rolls by:: and we know what that means folks! Now something amazing will happen to you when you come off this diet, you’ll be come a star… yep when you step on those scales again that needle will shoot to the right and then up-up and away!

How to avoid it: seek slow and permanent weight loss. And if you want a strawberry milk shake then dust your blender off and stick in some fresh strawberries, add some low fat milk, chuck in some ice and some peanut butter if you like and set that bad boy on super whiz! There you have it a delicious strawberry milk shake, who needs Slim Fast!

2. Tanking in at number two is Pill Diets, now you need to be careful at what you shove into those two flaps of skin between your nose and chin. There are some wicked pills out there that advertise; rapid weight loss, rapid muscle growth, burn fat while you sleep, etc, etc. They say they are scientifically designed but some of them have enough caffeine to send you to the moon. Folks this rapid weight loss ::pause:: wont work, when you come of the pill you’ll get pregnant, err I mean you’ll put on weight, same thing right; anyway you’ll start spreading again.

How to avoid it: Say “NO” to drugs!

1. The titanic diet fad of all time is the Water Diet, drinking as much water that you can until you are bloated and have a false sense of been full; you will also prove very useful as a life raft. If you go on this diet your body will start to eat away at your muscles and you will be come very weak and then maybe fall into the big vat of water that you’re drinking from and drown!

How to avoid it: try not being a moron!

Ok I know that all people that come to Discipline or Regret are not morons and I have used that word a few times throughout this post, I wasn’t talking about you. But if you are a self-confessed moron then click here now.

Disclaimer: Don’t try any of these diets you’ll only hurt yourself! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Thursday, Feb 28th – Weekends Almost Here! :)

Breakfast – oatmeal, whey, cinnamon powder & hot low-fat milk

Snack 1 – low-fat yogurt & 1 boiled egg

Lunch – egg salad (peppers, lettuce & cucumber) & a tbsp of mayonnaise & a handful of nuts

Snack 2 – a handful of nuts & 10 strawberries

Dinner – grilled beef with green & red peppers and onion.

Drink – 2.5 liters of water & 1 cup of green tea

Changing Weigh-in Date & My 8 Week Treat

I am going to be moving my weigh-in’s to the end of my workout cycle, witch will fall on a Sunday, fortnightly. So why am I doing this?

What I have been doing is weighing and measuring myself after my workout on Friday mornings. After a workout I have lost a lot of water and this is will effect the results. Ok call me picky but that’s reason number one why I am changing the date.

The second reason I am changing the date is because I want to weigh myself at the end of a workout cycle, which is Sunday morning.

So my next weigh-in will be on Sunday March 2nd 2008.

My eight week treat…

I haven’t had a blond in 8 weeks, ice cold and refreshing. So on Sunday night I will be indulging myself with one blond 😛

Wednesday, Feb 27th – Half Way There

Breakfast – oatmeal, whey, peanut butter & hot low-fat milk

Snack 1 – low-fat yogurt & 1 boiled egg

Lunch – tuna salad (peppers, lettuce & cucumber) & a tbsp of mayonnaise & a handful of nuts

Snack 2 – a handful of nuts & an apple

Dinner – homemade chicken soup with carrots & mushrooms

Drink – 2.5 liters of water & a cup of green tea

Tuesday, Feb 26th – Chomping Tuesday

Breakfast – oatmeal, whey, cinnamon powder & hot low-fat milk

Snack 1 – low-fat yogurt & 1 boiled egg

Lunch – prawn salad (peppers, lettuce, cucumber & broccoli) & a tbsp of mayonnaise & a handful of nuts

Snack 2 – a handful of nuts & an apple

Dinner – grilled fish and green beans cooked with olive oil

Drink – 3 liters of water & 2 cups of green tea

Monday, Feb 25th – Green Tea Metabolism Booster!

Have you noticed that I am drinking green tea now? That’s because I have found out one of it’s many health benefits includes speeding up your metabolism, cool huh?

Breakfast – oatmeal, whey, peanut butter & hot low-fat milk

Snack 1 – low-fat yogurt & 1 boiled egg

Lunch – chicken salad (peppers, lettuce & cucumber) & a tbsp of mayonnaise & a handful of nuts

Snack 2 – a handful of nuts & an apple

Dinner – omelet; 3 eggs, prawns, handful of mushrooms & a thin-cut slice of cheese

Drink – 2.5 liters of water & a cup of green tea

One Long Night & An Even Quicker Morning!

I had one of those nights last night when you just can’t stop thinking about everything and anything. Thoughts of school, workout programs, blogs, family stuff, etc, etc kept buzzing around my head driving the night into the early hours.

I forgot when I fell asleep, and I opened my eyes and felt around for my phone to see what time it was and 4:57am glowed into my sleepy eyes, it took until 5:02am for me to realise that I wasn’t dreaming.

I shot out of bed like a burning turtle and hopped into my workout gear and started pounding away completely screwing up everything I tried; I was counting through my raised knee-ins and split squats forgetting that there are both sides to do and slopping through the saxon side bend like a kid taking a poke at a chocolate cake.

It was a disaster folks, and at the end of my 2nd circuit I lay there on the floor with a 6.5kg (14.3lbs) dumbbell on my chest not able to move. I was spent and I called it quits.

I sped off to school on my motorbike with a face on me like a battered fart, thinking “why did you quit ya git!”

By lunchtime I was thinking that one off day in 45 is not a bad record, and even though my intervals are not until tomorrow I’m going to go for a spin on the exercise bike when I get home.

It won’t be long before its Wednesday and maybe on Tuesday night I can have a quarter bottle of vodka if I am finding it hard to sleep ::grins::

Its not the end of the world and at least I managed 2 circuits and alls good! I am still moving forward, this is the kind of fun we face with the pain of discipline.

Sunday, Feb 24th – Smoothie Sunday

Breakfast – oatmeal, whey, cinnamon powder & hot low-fat milk

Snack 1 – low-fat yogurt & a handful of nuts

Lunch – two slices of whole meal bread, 1 egg & mayo

Snack 2 – smoothie; whey, strawberries, oatmeal & low-fat milk

Dinner – grilled chicken & kangkong (a green leafy vegetable)

Drink – 3 liters of water

I Have Done it Again, But Variations are the Key!

Ok I know I change my workout more than I change my underwear, but variation is the key with strength training and cardio!

I sat down for over an hour with books, magazines, posters and the internet and put together 3 different workouts, a different one for each of my 3 strength training days, still doing 3 circuits. Lets take a look at them;


  1. Weighted Crunch 12x
  2. Raised Knee-in 12x
  3. Saxon Side Bend x10
  4. Bridge 20 seconds
  5. Back Extensions 12x
  6. Squats with Dumbbells 12x
  7. Pile Squats with a Dumbbell 12x
  8. Split Squats with Dumbbells 12x
  9. Bench Press 12x
  10. Fly 12x
  11. Bend-Over Row 12x
  12. Shoulder Press 12x
  13. Lying Triceps Extensions 12x
  14. Biceps Curl x12


  1. Long-arm Weighted Crunch x10
  2. Flutter Kick x20
  3. Speed Rotation 10x
  4. Side Bridge 20 seconds each side
  5. Superman 10x
  6. Front Squat 12x
  7. Pile Squat with Dumbbells 12x
  8. Leg Curl 12x
  9. Push Ups 12x
  10. Slow Fly 10x
  11. Bent-arm Dumbbell Row 12x
  12. Upright Row 12x
  13. Hammer Curl 12x
  14. Close-Grip Bench Press 12x


  1. Sicilian Crunch 8x
  2. Push-Aways 10x
  3. Two-Handed Wood Chop 10x
  4. Towel Roll 10x
  5. Swimmer’s Backstroke 5x
  6. Bulgarian Split Squat 10x
  7. Power Clean with Jump 8x
  8. Seated Calf Raise 10x
  9. Slow Push Ups 10x
  10. Slow Bench Press 10x
  11. Pullover 10x
  12. Bicep Curl to Overhead Press 10x
  13. Tricep Dips 12x
  14. Standing Scarecrow 10x

Interval TrainingTue, Thu & Sat


  1. Cat Pose
  2. Mountain Pose
  3. Standing Forward Bend
  4. Lunge
  5. Tree
  6. Standing Side Stretch Pose
  7. Downward Facing Stretch Pose
  8. Cobra
  9. Child’s Pose
  10. Seated Spinal Twist
  11. Seated Forward Bend
  12. Relaxation Pose

Exercise Bike: 20 seconds as fast as I can, then 20 seconds pause (this is one set) 8x – I am taking Steve’s tweak on board by changing the lengths of my pause; 20 seconds, 40 seconds & 1 minute – then restart cycle again.