Workout Adjustments

I have made a few adjustments to my current workout. I need to be careful and not over do it as I have high PB at the moment.

Weighted Crunch (upper abs) 12x
Bent-Knee Pull In (lower abs) 12x
Double Crunch with Cross (oblique) 12x Raised-Leg Obliques Crunch (Obliques) 12x
Two-Point Bridge (transverse abdominis) 5x Back Extension – x12 (lower back
Superman (lower back) 12x
Squat with Side Raise (glutes & shoulders) 12x Squats with Dumbbells (Glutes) 12x
Pile Squat with Bicep Curl (hamstrings & biceps) 12x Pile Squat with Dumbbells (Hamstrings) 12x
Push Up (chest) 12x
Fly (chest)
Bench Press (chest)
Bent Over Flyes (back) 12x Bent-Arm Dumbbell Row (Back) 12x
Side Raises (Shoulders) 12x
Hammer Bicep Curl (Biceps) 12x
Tricep Dip (triceps) 12x

    My dumbbell weights are;

    one:9kg (19.8lbs)

    Both: 18kg (39.6lbs)

    Both dumbbells are used for all exercises except the Weighted Crunch and the Pile Squat with Dumbbells were one dumbbell was used.

    New Workout – New Challenge

    I am changing my workout again for next week, making it tougher and more challenging. Have a look below;

    Mon, Wed & Fri – Strength Training

    • Weighted Crunch (upper abs) 12x
    • Bent-Knee Pull In (lower abs) 12x
    • Double Crunch with Cross (oblique) 12x
    • Two-Point Bridge (transverse abdominis) 5x
    • Superman (lower back) 12x

    Combining upper and lower body moves together

    • Squat with Side Raise (glutes & shoulders) 12x
    • Pile Squat with Bicep Curl (hamstrings & biceps) 12x
    • Push Up (chest) 12x
    • Fly (chest)
    • Bench Press (chest)
    • Bent Over Flyes (back) 12x
    • Tricep Dip (triceps) 12x

    I am planning to do this workout for the next three weeks incorperating the overloading principle into this so that each workout will have a slight twist to it.

    WEEK 1:  dumbbell weight = 13kg (28.6lbs)

    Mon: With stretches in between exercises, taking 45 minutes  

    Wed: Without stretches in between exercises, taking 30 minutes (still stretching before)

    Fri:  Without stretches in between exercises, taking 25 minutes (still stretching before)

    WEEK 2:  dumbbell weight = 18kg (39.6lbs)

    Mon: With stretches in between exercises, taking 45 minutes  

    Wed: Without stretches in between exercises, taking 30 minutes (still stretching before)

    Fri:  Without stretches in between exercises, taking 25 minutes (still stretching before)

    WEEK 3: dumbbell weight = 18kg (39.6lbs)

    Mon:  undecided

    Wed: undecided

    Fri: undecided

    If anyone has any suggestions for my overloading during the third please drop it into a comment. It will be appreciated and most welcome.

    4th Weigh-in: Progress is Progress, Right?

    I can’t say I’m happy with the weigh-in results, but progress is progress, right?  I thought that I had lost more off my waist and hips than one inch but hey, it’s something.

    So on this 4th weigh-in I have lost 1kg (2.2lbs) – I’m trying not to focus on the scales too much.  And 1 inch off my waist and 1 inch off my hips.

    Tonight I will be changing my workout and will probably update it tomorrow.

    Pumping Up: Back Muscles & Old Man Quads

    I have just finished my morning workout, and like I said I upped my reps from 8 to 10 this morning and I am feeling it (all over!).

    When I started on Monday with the added dumbbell weights I had it in mind to really focus on my form when doing my back and legs; the bigger the muscle the bigger fat burn.  I feel that I accomplished this and boy did my quads let me know!  Yesterday I was walking around like an old man as my quads ached.

    I made sure that I got a good nights sleep on Monday and last night so I would be able to push through this morning’s workout.  I slept in, waking up at about 4:23am I jumped into action, completely forgetting about my pre-workout stretching.

    I will have fallowed the workout that I am on now for 3 weeks this Friday.  I am considering changing it for next week to keep my variations in motion for each workout that I do.  Well more about that when i change it over the weekend.

    So this Friday I will nudge my reps up again to 12.

    One Month of Discipline & an Overloading Brain Fart

    Brain Fart: combustion of brain gases that gives a great idea for about 2-3 seconds; it is advisable to write down the idea as soon as possible before it is lost forever.

    So Discipline or Regret is a month old today. I am so excited at my progress and development so far, I still have a long way to go.

    For the first time in my heavy existence I am changing my body. My arms are harder and toned, my legs are getting solid and my upper back is getting bulky and also well toned. My chest and abs are still buried under a keg but I can feel them, as I said it’s still early days.

    I just want to thank the people who have commented and encouraged me over this 1st month (keep it coming 🙂). I would especially like to thank; Slosh, Steve & Stan for their friendship, encouragement and advice.

    Ok back to the brain fart. I would have been putting all my eggs in the one basket this week by increasing my dumbbell weight and keeping to my 12 reps. My brain fart was this; the overloading principle is built on slight changes each workout , so to make each workout different this week I have decided to do it like this.

    All workouts will be with the new dumbbell weights; 18kg (39.6lbs)

    1. Monday- from the Squats with dumbbells to the Tricep Press-Ups I will do 8 reps
    2. Wednesday- again from Squats with dumbbells to the Tricep Press-Ups I will do 10 reps
    3. Friday- yet again from Squats with dumbbells to the Tricep Press-Ups I will go back to my 12 reps

    This gives me a variation for each strength training workout this week.